Call for Projects – AXA Research Fund

Projects funded by the AXA Research Fund aims at providing a
department/laboratory with the means to strengthen its research and explore new
avenues. The project is expected to be submitted and led by a Head of
department/laboratory and be consistent with the long-term development strategy
of the institution. Hence, there is a restriction to one application per institution per

The Principal Investigator of the project must meet the following criteria:
– Be already established in the institution as Head of department/laboratory
– Be of the highest caliber (publications in first-rate journals, international stature
and network)
– Have demonstrated sound capacity to lead large-scale projects

Eligibility and selection criteria for a Project

Only the most renowned research institutions, which meet the highest standards of
excellence, may apply for a Project. These institutions must satisfy the stringent
selection criteria set forth below (See §3.3).

Every application that is submitted must be complete and must comply with the
criteria below in order to be considered by the Scientific Board of the Fund.

The Scientific Board oversees the selection process, basing its decisions on the
assessments offered by a network of experts whose reputation in their fields is

Eligible research fields

Projects funded by the AXA Research Fund must be related to one of the subjects
identified by its Scientific Board. The themes for 2012 are identified below, and can
also be found on the website of the AXA Research Fund:

Environmental risks
o Climate change
o Natural hazards
o Human driven environmental changes

Life risks
o Aging and long term care
o Biomedical risks
o Addictions and risky behaviors

Socio-economic Risks
o Geopolitical risks
o Macro-economic and financial systemic risks
o Behaviors towards risks
o Large corporate risks

– For more informations :