7th BEES (Belgian Ecosystem services) workshop « Ecosystem Services and their (e)valuation : linking concepts, principles and values to policies ?

Place :
Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
29, rue Vautier
1000 Bruxelles

The concept of Ecosystem Services (ESS) – and its organizational and functional priciples – have largely percolated into scientific work attempting to qualify the interlinkages between society and nature. At least since the Millenium Ecosystem Assessment, and more recently with the TEEB initiative (The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity) at European level, ESS (e)valuation have become attractive and available for a number of governmental levels. The scientific concept of ESS appears thus to have hardened from a metaphor into a paradigm which rules an important number of current assessments and monitoring approaches of society-nature interactions.

– For more informations, see the document below.