Appel à communications « 5th International Conference for Students and Young Researches – Regional Environmental Problems »

MARCH-APRIL 2012 (the exact dates will be known in October) The Odessa State Environmental University holds The V-th International Scientific Conference of students, masters and postgraduate students “Regional Environmental Problems”. (The call for abstracts are opened – Deadline 1-st of Desember 2011)

Topics :
– Environmental regional problems and ways of their improving ;
– Assessment of anthropogenic load on the environment;
– The ways of implementation of green technologies;
– Problems of using, renewal and conservation of bio-resources and biodiversity;
– Recreational and tourist’s potential of the areas;
– Environment’s quality and human health;
– Mathematical modeling and forecast of the environment’s state;
– Geographical informational systems in the environmental science;
– Hydro-meteorological aspects related to environment protection.
– Environmental economics

The best reports will be chosen in the end of the conference.

Conference languages are Ukrainian, Russian and English.
To take part in the conference it is necessary to send abstracts (1 or 2 pages) by e-mail [>].

Requirements to the abstracts:
– document should be saved in MS Word format,
– font Times New Roman, size of type – 14, margins – 2.5 sm, paragraph – 1 sm, single interval.
– text heading should include information: full name and academic degree of speaker and scientific adviser, the university title.

Abstracts should be sent until 1 December 2011.
Publication is free.

All participants should fill the application form that will be sent lately (after the abstracts submission)
Presentations should be prepared in MS Power Point format
About the fees for accommodation You’ll be informed latly

Contacts :
+38 (048) 785-27-16 (Applied Ecology Dept.)
+38 (063)236-46-04 (Volkov Andriy)
E-mail : [>] (Volkov A.) – abstracts submission

+38(048) 785-27-13 (Environmental Economics Dept.)
+38 (050)336-68-62 (Vartanian Anna)
E-mail : [>] – organizational questions

The Odessa State Environmental University
Address: 15 Lvovskaia str., Odessa, 65016, Ukraine