International workshop “Governing the Sustainable Development. Evolution of Environmental Administrations in Europe and United States”

Organized by
– Laure Bonnaud (INRA)
– Pierre Lascoumes (Sciences Po, CEE, CNRS)
– Jean-Pierre Le Bourhis (CNRS, CURAPP)
– Emmanuel Martinais (ENTPE)

Project MUTORG-ADMI (Les mutations organisationnelles de l’administration française. Hiérarchies, division du travail et coordination)

In 2007 a new French “Ministry for sustainable development” was created, a ‘super Ministry’ which houses thefunctions of the former Ministries of Environment, Energy, Housing, and Transport under one single roof. This merger applies to all levels of government, with the creation of large regional services for sustainable development.
This mode of reform does not seem to be specific to the French case. At first glance, it echoes the concerns for more coordination and integration which have been already observed in several other countries including Germany and the United Kingdom.
This workshop aims to compare different national situations regarding environmental administrations and their impact on public policies.

Lieu et horaires :
Sciences Po Room Goguel 56, rue des Sts-Pères 75007 Paris
Métro : St Germain des Prés
9am – 5.30pm

Consulter le programme ci-dessous